Creation of a BTS in Real Estate Professions in La Réunion

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Creation of a BTS in Real Estate Professions in La Réunion

Creation of a BTS in Real Estate Professions to train local professionals in La Réunion

On June 28, 2023, a new vocational training program was launched on the island of La Réunion. Initiated by the Real Estate Club, in partnership with the Training Institute of La Réunion (IFR), the Advanced Vocational Diploma (BTS) in Real Estate Professions as an alternate program will soon be accessible to young Reunionese.

Implementing this BTS is a concrete response to the recruitment difficulties real estate professionals encounter in La Réunion. Despite a high unemployment rate, the sector struggles to find qualified candidates. The industrial chain of construction and urban planning, including real estate and building, represents about 20% of the Reunionese GDP, thus exceeding the metropolitan average of 14 %. In this context, the lack of skills constitutes a brake on the local economy, hence the importance of training local professionals.

Vincent Le Baliner, honorary president of the Real Estate Club and responsible for implementing the BTS, explains: « There is a high unemployment rate in La Réunion, and we still have difficulty recruiting. We are committed to the territory and want to pass on knowledge, hence the idea of establishing an excellence program and especially instilling the desire to learn in students ». This desire to promote local employment and offer high-level training is the main motivation behind creating this BTS.

The curriculum of the BTS in Real Estate Professions as an alternate program extends over two years. Students will be trained in real estate transactions, rental management, condominium management, project assembly, development, and social housing. Masterclasses led by professional members of the Real Estate Club will be integrated into the program to anchor the training in the realities of the Reunionese real estate market. These sessions will allow students to understand the issues specific to their territory. Each student will be integrated alternately within a member company of the Real Estate Club or a partner company and will benefit from the support of a mentor designated by the association, independent of his host company. Students will collaborate on a concrete case study throughout the training to develop their skills and ability to work in a team. This real-life « Business Game » will allow them to understand aspects related to urban planning, real estate, and housing issues by involving them in the search for sustainable development solutions for La Réunion. The first promotion of the BTS in Real Estate Professions on the island of La Réunion will welcome about twenty students. Admissions are made on file after obtaining the baccalaureate, followed by an interview with the professionals involved in the training. Classes begin this July to offer high-level training directly on Reunionese territory.

The creation of this BTS in real estate professions in La Réunion represents a major advance for training and employment in this booming sector. By offering career opportunities and developing student skills, this new training will contribute to strengthening the Reunionese economy and meeting the growing needs of the local real estate market.

Mias Sylvia

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