Madagascar launches its economic data portal On February 4, 2025, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),…
Strategic logistics hub for the Indian Ocean Mauritius is strengthening its position as a key logistics center in the Indian Ocean. This was affirmed by Hambyrajen…
Establishing an economic transformation process Lisa Simrique Singh recently paid a courtesy visit to the Minister of Industry, SMEs, and Cooperatives at his office in Port…
The Extractive Industry and Agriculture at the Heart of Recovery The Ministry of Economy and Finance has released its economic forecasts for 2025, projecting optimistic growth…
The IMF’s estimate for Madagascar in 2025 forecasts a gradual decrease in the annual inflation rate, expected at 7.3 %.
Supporting the private sector Roland Kobia, the European Union (EU) Ambassador, paid a courtesy visit to the Minister of Industrialization and Commerce, David Ralambofiringa. This visit…
Budget for this plan is 34 Million USD The actions that UN agencies could undertake in 2025 are listed in a reference document. The program includes…
Supporting local industries and opening up to FDI At the National Private Sector Conference, the Madagascar Industries Union (SIM), through its representative Hassim Amiraly, reiterated its…
Way to stand out in a saturated market Three priority sectors – Mauritius Unrefined Sugar, Mauritius Rum, and Rodrigues Lemon – were addressed during a summary…
Influence on exchange rate fluctuations A trade balance deficit in favor of import value. The latest available data has not improved this crucial macroeconomic indicator. The…
President to ratify the loan agreement with the Islamic Bank The bill supported by the National Assembly allows the President of the Union of the Comoros…
Ambatovy’s debt restructuring plan The state of the Ambatovy mining company is not progressing much. Sumitomo Corporation, its main shareholder, states it is considering all possibilities…
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