Market & Business
Showing  1 to 12  of 115 results
Artisanat Madagascar

Craftsmanship: A Driver of Development for Madagascar

The Great Island on Its Way to Becoming a Global Leader in Luxury Craftsmanship Viviane Dewa, Madagascar’s Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts, visits Ateliers Feel Good,

Flagship Project: The Craft Fair in Bras-Panon

New Year’s Wishes to the Press: The Challenges of Réunionese Craftsmanship

Focus on Planned Government Reforms Bernard Picardo, President of the Chamber of Trades and Crafts (CMAR), presented a review of the past year this Thursday while

Import – Export : Significant Customs Revenues

78 % of clearance procedures completed in less than three hours The update of the customs administration is yielding positive results. In addition to notable revenue

minister economy

Malagasy Economic Transformation : From Vision to Achievement

2025 will be a year full of challenges to turn the economic vision into tangible results.

Logo for the 65th anniversary of the SIM Madagascar

SIM : 65 years at the service of Malagasy industrial development

Engine of reflection and action, dedicated to regional development In 2024, the Syndicat des Industries de Madagascar (SIM) celebrated its 65th anniversary. This milestone was especially

Meeting between the Minister of Tourism and Handicrafts, Viviane Dewa, and local artisans in Ambositra.

Artisans running out of raw materials at Amoron’i Mania

Strengthening Support Services to Stimulate Growth In Amoron’i Mania, the development of local crafts is hampered by a severe shortage of raw materials, particularly wood, as

Business Law : 24 Young Lawyers Trained

Improving skills in regional law After six months of training, the participants have gained expertise in OHADA law. A project aimed at boosting the local economy

Industries : SIM Trains SMEs on Sustainability

Enhancing Business Competencies The Syndicat des Industries de Madagascar (SIM) organized an intensive three-day training session aimed at promoting a culture of excellence and recognizing the

Msomo na Hazi Program : 20 Young Apprentices Honored

Nine Months of Rigorous Carpentry Training After nine months of rigorous carpentry training, 20 young trainees were celebrated for obtaining their certificates of completion. This action

Industries : State Encourages Investments

Platform for Collaboration During the 10th edition of the International Regions Day (IRD), David Ralambofiringa, Minister of Industrialization and Trade, used his visit to the Diana

Promoting Entrepreneurship : Highlighting Local Products

Encouraging Local Production Between December 23 and January 15, around fifty companies will have the opportunity to showcase more than 150 product ranges. These categories range

Absa Women Forward : Supporting Women’s Entrepreneurship

Tailored training programs Women’s entrepreneurship is a powerful means of empowering women while fostering economic development within a society. It is with this perspective that Absa