
The Role of Digital Platform in Legal Services

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The Role of Digital Platform in Legal Services

Quick and easy access to legal databases

Technology plays a crucial role in enforcing the nation’s laws. The digital app « Vien » is designed to make existing laws more accessible.

Jean-François Mozambique won the Econnect micro-project competition with his innovative project presented at the Analakely town hall awards ceremony. His creation, a digital application called « Vien », aims to make Madagascar’s laws more accessible. Open to all, the app promotes and disseminates approved laws, decrees, circulars, decisions, and constitutions.

“Vien” offers quick and easy access to the country’s legal databases, featuring ten thousand citations of legal texts and a directory of lawyers. This initiative aims to combat identity theft by allowing users to directly dialogue with lawyers and receive legal advice.

« Vien is available for download on the Google Play Store », says Tech Aid Madagascar’s founder and CEO. Since its launch in 2022, the app has gained three thousand users. It currently operates on a subscription model, charging a registration fee and a monthly subscription.

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