
Madagascar’s natural resources : Fighting against traffic

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Madagascar’s natural resources : Fighting against traffic

Civil society calls for stronger action

The Madagascar Primate Study and Research Group (GERP), the Alliance Voahary Gasy (AVG), and the Collective of Civil Society Organizations of Committed Young People of Atsimo Andrefana (COJEAA) are collaborating to develop solutions for wildlife preservation.

These groups urge authorities and political players to enhance the protection of precious woods and wild species, and to combat trafficking at all levels. In a joint statement on May 11, 2024, they emphasized the need to protect wildlife and precious woods from corrupt politicians. The collective stressed the urgency of addressing increasing wildlife trafficking, particularly with elections approaching. Despite efforts by law enforcement and civil society, trafficking networks remain active and are continually adapting to countermeasures.

COJEAA highlights the need for full transparency in election funding sources and advocates for reducing campaign funds to ensure equal opportunities for candidates. Pr Jonah Ratsimbazafy, President of GERP, warns that trafficking in meat from protected wild species is still prevalent in some regions, despite existing bans. The group calls on authorities to shut down restaurants serving meat from protected species and to raise public awareness of the issue.

COJEAA urges all stakeholders, especially those in power, to take concrete steps to preserve natural resources.

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