Réunion Island : Prolonged Drought

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Réunion Island : Prolonged Drought

Delicate situation in several areas

For several weeks, part of the population has been facing water interruptions. These usage restrictions are associated with a drought period that could last for several more weeks.

The island is experiencing a severe drought that directly affects its residents. For several weeks, certain areas, particularly in the east and Cilaos, have been without running water, depending on the scheduled cut-off programs. This situation may continue in the coming weeks. The December rainfall measurements, revealed during the recent drought committee meeting, do not indicate the start of the rainy season.

With a 22 % drop in water reserves revealed by Météo France across the entire island of Réunion, this season ranks as the tenth driest recorded over the past 53 years. December, which is usually the start of the rainy season, was also extremely dry across the territory.

The drought situation is more pronounced on the eastern slope of the island, where eight rivers, stretching from Sainte-Suzanne to Saint-Benoît, currently show a significant water deficit. Regarding groundwater, insufficient recharge continues to be felt in the aquifers of Le Port, Bras Panon, Saint-Benoît, and La Plaine des Palmistes. It is a deficit situation at Le Port and the entire eastern slope of the island, from Sainte-Marie to Saint-Joseph.

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