Madagascar – COMESA : Up to 100 million USD in exports

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Madagascar – COMESA : Up to 100 million USD in exports

Partnership benefiting multiple economic sectors

Thanks to its collaboration with the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), Madagascar exports between 50 and 100 million USD annually.

This partnership, encompassing various programs across multiple sectors, is accompanied by significant financial support. Notably, approximately 2.9 million USD has been granted under the Regional Integration Support Mechanism.

COMESA covers nearly two-thirds of the African continent. This organization, which includes 646 million people over an area of 11.8 million km², produces a total GDP of 1,000 billion USD. The primary objective of COMESA is to establish a common market for Africa. This system aims to enable the free movement of individuals, labor, and goods, the adoption of a single currency, and eventually, a political federation.

On this occasion, Rasata Rafaravavitafika, Madagascar’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, highlighted the various sectoral programs from which the country benefits. Sectors such as energy, environment, and agriculture are involved in these programs.

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