Madagascar: The BRIDGE project financially supports the FAPBM

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Madagascar: The BRIDGE project financially supports the FAPBM

Forging strategic partnerships in the service of nature conservation

BRIDGE project has decided to financially support the foundation for protected areas and biodiversity of Madagascar.

This program aims to forge strategic partnerships between trust funds such as FAPBM and the private sector to address the lack of financial support in the field of conservation.

Following a project call initiated by the BRIDGE project, FAPBM was selected to implement an innovative financial mechanism involving the private sector in support of protected areas in Madagascar. This mechanism focuses on establishing a fund for companies dedicated to actions related to conservation and the development of nature-based financing. BRIDGE is a joint initiative of the Latin American and Caribbean Network of Environmental Funds (RedLAC) and the African Consortium of Environmental Funds (CAFE).

This corporate fund specifically targets small and medium-sized organizations that wish to voluntarily engage in environmental actions. The funds received will strengthen conservation efforts in key areas of the country. It is important to emphasize that protected areas highlight nature-based solutions. Consequently, safeguarding wetlands, community participation, and reforestation all contribute to enhancing ecosystem resilience.

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