Investing in public health in Mayotte

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Investing in public health in Mayotte

Investing in public health in Mayotte: Solutions to address the shortage of doctors

The public health sector in Mayotte is facing challenges, including a shortage of doctors. In response to this situation, local and national authorities are committed to finding solutions to strengthen the health system and ensure quality care for the population. Local and foreign human investment appears necessary to cope with this unprecedented crisis.

Mayotte’s Emergency Department is in a critical situation, with the closure of part of the Short Stay Hospitalization service and the loss of 80 % of its medical staff. One the one hand, 30 doctors are needed to ensure smooth operation; on the other hand, only six are currently in position. Several factors contribute to this desertion, such as security issues and practitioners resigning due to abusive remuneration practices by a small group of individuals.

In response to this crisis, the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Mayotte and the Hospital Center (CHM) drafted a battle plan to address the emergency in early June. Measures such as encouraging people to dial 15 (SAMU) before going to the Emergency Department and the support of doctors from Reunion Island and the Armed Forces Health Service have been implemented to relieve the department. Additionally, national solidarity allowed for the reinforcement of two emergency doctors, three general practitioners, and 16 nurses.

Initiatives to address the doctor shortage

In the face of a glaring lack of medical personnel, local and national authorities have taken measures to strengthen the health system in Mayotte. A call for national solidarity was issued, inviting health professionals from private and public establishments to volunteer to reinforce Mayotte’s staff. These reinforcements will be called upon from the end of June until mid-September for a minimum of 10 days. The services needing reinforcements include emergency, general medicine, pediatrics, maternity, and neonatology. To communicate with volunteers, establishments can contact the ARS Paca.

Moreover, a glimmer of hope emerges with the training of new state nurses in Mayotte. On July 19, 19 students from the Institute of Nursing Training (IFSI) received their diplomas at the CHM. These young professionals will be essential to strengthen the care teams on the island and ensure quality medical follow-up.

The lack of doctors in Mayotte is a significant issue for the public health sector. Training new health professionals and supporting national health establishments are concrete actions that could help resolve this crisis. The commitment of everyone, both locally and internationally, is necessary to build a robust and efficient health system in Mayotte.

Mias Sylvia

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