Improvement of healthcare in Mayotte

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Improvement of healthcare in Mayotte

Improvement of healthcare in Mayotte: A priority for the Regional Health Agency (ARS)

For several years, the ARS (Regional Health Agency) of Mayotte has been working diligently to implement initiatives aimed at improving the quality of care and patient management on the island. In collaboration with associations and thanks to financial support from Europe and the Ministry of Health, innovative projects are being developed to strengthen care structures and offer better quality services.

The ARS of Mayotte has identified quality and safety of care as essential priorities for the entire population. This initiative is aligned with a focus of all regions in France. With this in mind, a partnership has been sealed between the ARS and the Orison Association, specializing in care safety support. This collaboration aims to establish a regional support structure (SRA) to assist healthcare professionals in their quest to improve the quality and safety of care.

Three strategic orientations guide the SRA, namely promoting a culture of safety, managing and treating adverse events associated with care (EIAS) by encouraging the reporting of these events, and finally, developing a culture of relevance of care. The goal is to ensure that adverse events are not hidden but rather used as levers for improvement in patient care. To this end, healthcare professionals are required to report these events.

Strengthened cardiology service

This March, the cardiology department of the Mayotte Hospital Center (CHM) developed a collaboration with the radiology department to provide initial care for patients with heart diseases. Thanks to the introduction of the coro-scanner or coronary scanner in November 2022, fifty examinations have already been carried out, allowing for the rapid detection of four urgent cases requiring medical evacuation to Reunion. The CHM aims to train more staff to increase the number of coro-scanners and reduce reliance on medical evacuations.

Strengthening of medical transport resources

In the same framework of improving health services, the CHM commenced the renewal of its aging and costly medical transport vehicle fleet in mid-June. With the support of Europe and the Ministry of Health, eight ambulances, three mobile hospital units (UMH), five light medical vehicles, a 4×4 for the Mobile Emergency and Resuscitation Structure (SMUR), and a vehicle for reduced mobility transport have been acquired. These vehicles are designed according to specific specifications, adapted to local constraints, and facilitate access to difficult areas. They contribute to improving the quality of patient care while improving the working conditions of ambulance drivers.

These advances testify to the commitment of the ARS of Mayotte to improve the quality of care and reinforce health structures on the island of perfumes. The continuation of these promising initiatives will undoubtedly contribute to the overall improvement of its health services.

Mias Sylvia

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