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CRC: M’tsangamouji well assessed

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CRC: M’tsangamouji well assessed

Financial Situation of the Municipality of M’tsangamouji

In the northern part of Mayotte, the municipality of M’tsangamouji received a favorable assessment in the latest report from the regional chamber of accounts. Thanks to expense control and effective personnel management, the city gets only a few recommendations to achieve a stable financial situation.

Despite low demographic dynamism, M’Tsangamouji demonstrates exemplary performance in managing its employees and financing capabilities. This assessment was made by the regional chamber of accounts in November 2023. While municipalities on the island often face deficits and criticism from the jurisdiction responsible for monitoring local accounts, M’Tsangamouji stands out positively.

« The municipality has implemented recommendations from previous observation reports by the chamber to improve its organization and practices », evaluates the regional chamber of accounts. However, M’Tsangamouji has a list of recommendations, particularly concerning the schooling of children residing in the municipality.

According to the CRC, enrollment conditions are « more restrictive » in M’Tsangamouji than elsewhere. The municipality conditions access to classes on the presentation of a vaccination card, a social security certificate, or even a parent’s tax assessment.

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