New oil depot soon to be built in Bongatsara

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New oil depot soon to be built in Bongatsara

A more secure oil depot

According to the Malagasy Hydrocarbons Office (OMH), construction work on the new oil depot at Bongatsara is due to start soon.

According to this regulatory authority for the oil sector, the land has already been terraced to accommodate it on site. LPSA simply needs to complete a few administrative formalities. According to OMH, the aim of the « Tanisoa » project is to relocate Antananarivo’s oil depot to outlying areas. In the commune of Bongatsara, on the RN7 axis, a new, « more modern » and « better equipped » oil depot is to be built.

This regulatory body specifies that the new facility will cover more than 9 hectares. This measure will be put in place to guarantee a safety zone around the depot. The depot will have a storage capacity of 49,000 m³, but this can be extended to 60,000 m³. According to information from OMH, LPSA’s Alarobia depot has a capacity of 15,472 m³. It can store 10,312 m³ of diesel (GO), 3,725 m³ of super fuel (SC) and 420 m³ of kerosene (PL).

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