Export growth to the United States

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Export growth to the United States

Mauritian economy boosted by exports

The balance of payments has consistently favored Mauritius in the goods trade between Mauritius and the United States under the preferential African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA).
According to available data, Mauritius imported goods worth 49.6 million USD from the United States in 2020, 78.4 million USD in 2021, and 101.6 million USD in 2022. For the year ending in June 2022, purchases amounted to 54.8 million USD; for the fiscal year ending in June of the same year, imports amounted to 56.4 million USD.

In contrast, Mauritius’ exports to the United States increased, reaching 242.7 million USD in 2020, 255.5 million USD in 2021, and 285.2 million USD in 2022. In the year ending June 2022, exports were 133.2 million USD, compared to 131.3 million USD in June of the previous year.

The decline in exports occurred in the textile and apparel sector and agricultural products due to the slowdown caused by pandemic restrictions. They plummeted by 67 % compared to 2020, dropping from 88.7 million to 30.3 million USD in June of the previous year.

Mauritian imports in the category of chemicals and related products experienced renewed growth in June of the previous year, with a 96% surge to 4.6 billion USD. However, this still needs to be pre-restriction imports of around 8.3 billion USD.

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