Agricultural Modernization : Highlighting Export Products

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Agricultural Modernization : Highlighting Export Products

Increasing export volumes

In order to enhance the value of its agricultural sectors, the country is focusing on modernization to increase local processing and strengthen its exports of essential products such as cloves, vanilla, cocoa, and lychee.

In 2025, as part of its typical resolutions, Madagascar intends to focus on modernizing its industrial sectors. The goal is to highlight export products like cloves, vanilla, cocoa, and lychee. According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the objective is to increase export volumes while promoting on-site processing to ensure higher incomes for producers and the country.

In 2022, Madagascar topped the global ranking of clove-exporting countries by reaching an unprecedented production of 34,867 tons, compared to 16,021 tons produced in 2020. This increase generated 224 million USD for the country, underscoring the strategic importance of this sector.

The government plans to improve local processing by establishing modern rice mills and two fertilizer production facilities. These facilities will help reduce post-harvest losses and process products like vanilla and cocoa according to international standards. They will also help reduce the country’s dependence on imported processed products. Madagascar aims to produce one million tons of organic fertilizers to promote sustainable agriculture. Consequently, crops such as vanilla and cocoa could benefit from organic certifications, allowing access to specialized markets where quality and sustainability are highly valued.

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